Bigshot ======= Legal ----- Please see individual files for specific licenses. The Bigshot library itself is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0, but some runtime dependencies are MIT, MPL or BSD-like. Dependencies ------------ For 2D zoomable images, Bigshot has no dependencies. For VR panoramas using WebGL (the bigshot.VRPanorama class), Bigshot has a required dependency on Sylvester and glUtils - MIT and MPL, respectively. For debugging of WebGL rendering contexts, Bigshot requires the webgl-debug library, which is released under a BSD-like license (see the Chromium project). Files ----- LICENSE.txt - The Apache License, version 2.0. bigshot.jar - Java JAR file with the MakeImagePyramid tool. Execute: java -jar bigshot.jar for help. bigshot.js - Uncompressed JavaScript library bigshot-compressed.js - The Bigshot library, compressed using the YUI Compressor bigshot-full-compressed.js - The Bigshot library, with required WebGL dependencies for VR Panoramas, compressed using the YUI Compressor bigshot-full-and-optional-compressed.js - The Bigshot library, with required and optional WebGL dependencies for VR Panoramas, compressed using the YUI Compressor bigshot.php - PHP script to serve image data from .bigshot archives instead of from a folder structure doc/js/ - JsDoc documentation for the JavaScript library Tutorial -------- Please see: For a nicely formatted tutorial.